Episode 38 - The Savages (Teddy Stigma & Eddie Graves)
GREETINGS! And welcome the The Milo Beasley Show episode 38 blog...
This week's guests are the current FIP Tag Team Champions who recently made their way back to Vintage Wrestling after a lengthy absense. Teddy Stimga & Eddie Graves, together known as the Savages, made their way back to Vintage Wrestling at WrestleBrawl where they answered a challenge put out by Los Ben Dejos.
I immediately grabbed these two and asked them to do The Milo Beasley Show. As it was getting dark, lighting proved to be a factor in this show. However, we found a pizza shack right next to the WrestleBrawl set up, and this proved to be an interesting backdrop.
The sign lights kept blinking, causing the focus on the camera to go nuts. We were also in the middle of a side walk, which brought on cameos by Jason Falcone and Kory Chavis.
But I really wanted to talk to these guys seeing how they hadn't been in Vintage for a very long time. I couldn't tell you exactly when, I don't have a calendar handy. The last time Teddy was in Vintage, he won an Opportunity Knocks match, earning a title match for the now-defunct Florida People's Title (although, he can go talk to Bruce Santee if he really wants a fight). The last time Eddie Graves was in Vintage, the Vintage office was VERY close to putting him in a tag team with Maxwell Chicago called Rythym and Booze.
Anyway, I thought the episode was very entertaining. These guys proved they could improvise with the best of them, and played off each other like an established tag team should.
As normal, I have no clue what the Top 5 category was going to be prior to actually saying it, but I believe it was one of our most entertaining Top 5's so far (and that's saying a lot). It probably didn't hurt that these two drank a lot prior to filming this show.
We'll see how long Teddy and Graves stick around Vintage, or if they plan on coming in, causing some trouble and take off again. I'd like to see these guys stick around a bit. I could definitely see these guys on future episodes of The Milo Beasley Show. I'd especially like to see my co-host Simon Sez join me for an interview with these guys, after they said he wasn't on their Top 5 list of hispanics. In fact, they kinda said they didn't like him very much.
This episode might be up there with some of my favorites so far.
I feel these episodes (and the guests) are getting better and better. Well, that's until Episode 39 which we just filmed a few nights ago. It's going to be horrible. I apologize.
If you haven't had a chance to check out the latest episode of TMBS featuring the Savages, check it out!
Thanks for reading (and watching)!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pX08yiVS4Lk Check these dudes on the Social Media! Teddy Stigma https://www.facebook.com/teddy.stigma https://twitter.com/teddystigma
Eddie Graves